A very quiet Christmas for the two of us. No celebratory meal. No doubt we will be early to bed on New Year’s Eve.
I think my woodworking skill is slowly improving. I’ve made a further two kitchen knife blocks.
They aren’t perfect. But I am learning.
I ran more of the Australian Native Timbers through the Bench Saw and Thicknesser before gluing them together into one long plank. I want to cut the plank on an angle, but it won’t fit through the table saw as the saw bench is too small. My other options were the skill saw or the mitre saw. I thought the latter would give me more control.
In an effort to reduce ‘tear out’ on the underside of the plank I made a new blade insert for the mitre saw. By lowering the blade down onto it I cut a slot the exact width of the blade
The mitre saw was set to a 25deg angle which was the maximum I could achieve with the width of the plank.
I clamped a timber stop to the saw fence in an effort to ensure each cut piece was exactly the same size.
Unfortunately tear out still occurred on the underside.
I’ve realised the saw blade is blunt.
After cutting 12 pieces I flipped them in opposite direction. The idea is to give the illusion the surface of the piece rises and falls.
However the tear out has resulted in rough vertical edges on the joins. I’m going to glue the edges together and then run the piece through the bench saw down the length of each original join before regluing them Hopefully that will result in no tear out and a flush joint.
Oh…. It’s going to be a kitchen cutting board.