Saturday 27 September 2014

Feet happy, arms sore!

The legs must have felt yesterday’s walk because I writhed, thrashed, turned and twitched for some of the night.  At one stage I think I bit Jan in my sleep…. No black eye this morning so perhaps it was only a nightmare!

The stubby toes were still tender but a walk to Tesco and Whaley Bridge brought them back to life.  The belt needed to be taken in a notch which probably means a couple of kilos of perspiration were lost during yesterday’s walk.  It will only be temporary!

Nothing particularly special jumped out at me walking down the main street.  It looked like a normal town with most buildings constructed from the local stone.  Actually it could have been on the other side of the Pennines.

The one building that did catch my eye was the Mechanics Institute which was built in 1876.  The building now houses the local library and councils offices along with three reception rooms.  Apparently Mechanics Institutes were fairly common.  They were built to provide adult education on technical subjects and were often funded by local industrialists.

Back at Whaley Bridge Branch Junction there is a moored boat with an apparent NZ connection.

The canals are suffering from an infestation of these damned kiwis.

The weather forecast indicated clear skies in the afternoon so Jan did a load of washing in anticipation whilst I erected the rotary line on the stern.  The sun did put in an appearance which made me so excited I decided to wash and polish the port side.  Wear sunglasses or the next two photos might blind you!

I was exhausted after all that polishing and had to stagger back aboard for a cold ale to rehydrate.  The feet might be better but the arms are now sore.  Only the starboard side to do (tomorrow) and that will the last of the polishing for this year!

Just checked the engine hour meter.  It will soon be time to do a major service.  I’ll have to brace myself for the ‘Indian Rubber Man” trick and caress that hot engine without burning myself. 

All the local critters can breath a sigh or relief….. We’re eating vegetarian tonight!

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