The boat moored behind us departed at 7.30am . On the tiller arm a large pale blue flag with a white flower was flying. I said to Jan “They a flying the flag of Devon!” Jan said “No dear, that’s the flag of Yorkshire!” Of course I knew that….. I was just testing her! We went down the last lock before Audlem Village. It has a fierce bywash below the lower lock gates. It’s more of a problem going up than down and today I just applied 1500rpm to rocket through the stream.
We moored outside the Shroppie Fly so I could top up the water tank and remove the leaves from the cabin roof. Jan went off to the nearby Audlem Mill where she browsed and browsed before buying a canal scene tapestry.
Audlem Mill
The mill is rather new
Once the purse had been emptied and the tank filled we headed further north.
It didn’t take long to complete the final three locks in the Audlem flight and shortly thereafter we were passing Overwater Marina on the left. Slightly more surprising was the sight of that boat with the Yorkshire flag moored opposite. A very short cruise for them today!
The Shroppie is mostly long straights and it wasn’t long before we reached that place so secret it has a noticeboard.
The very secret bunker at Hack Green. The sky might have been grey but something was smiling on us because we met a boat coming up at each of the two Hack Green Locks. There is a new subdivision on the southern approach to Nantwich. These building are opposite the winding hole before Marsh Lane Bridge.
Our luck held and we managed to get the first vacant spot on the 48 hour mooring immediately after the aqueduct. We’d only just gone inside when we were bounced around by an Anglo-Woosh hire boat making smoke to mask its manoeuvres.
Car 2 is confirmed as a Daimler and I need to correct my information on Car 1. I incorrectly reported it as an Austin whereas reader Bill had identified it as a 1949 Morris 8.
Please call in at Swanley Bridge Marina and pass on our best regards from sunny Spain ;-)
I was thinking more of doing a self pumpout beside the office without connecting the far end of the hose! 😂
At one of the technical seminars at Crick I learned that the "shelf life" of diesel can be as little as six months. Perhaps your three-year-old diesel isn't quite as healthy as when you bought it.
Well we are only burning it in the stove! Actually we started a vintage tractor found in a barn which had 15 year old diesel in the tank! However it might have been an issue for a modern engine.
Well, yes, I suppose its lubricating qualities aren't quite so important in the stove!
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