Tuesday 16 February 2016


It was our lucky day.  The CRT Tunnel Keeper remembered us from our transit through Harecastle Tunnel two weeks ago and allowed us through without a booking.  This is Naomi, today’s duty tunnel keeper.


Notice the frost on the ground.  It was zero in the cratch when we awoke this morning.  Naomi is obviously an intelligent and curious young lady.  After our trip a fortnight ago she had wanted to know the meaning of our boat name.  She started searching the internet where she found this blog.  Well done Naomi.  Waiouru means Wai = water and Ouru = meeting.

There was nothing particularly remarkable about our subterranean journey through Harecastle Tunnel, however finding six boats waiting at the other end was a surprise.


The hire about ahead of us winded (turned) at Hardings Wood Junction and headed back to the tunnel.  Apparently they had a crew member who was ill.  They had been unable to wind at the southern end of the tunnel and had to go through. 

With an additional crew member aboard Waiouru there was an opportunity for Buddha to get some exercise working locks during today’s cruise.


The fat fella is in urgent need of a workout.

Youngest son did a terrific job at the tiller and steered for most of the day.  Of course it’s easy to be confident when you’re not worried about damaging someone else’s boat! Smile


Jan was inside either cooking up a storm or down on her hands and knees with a brush and dust pan sweeping the carpet.  Fortunately the two tasks didn’t get mixed up and dinner was excellent.

We moored at Rode Heath around 3pm and then son and I went for a short local walk noticing a couple of interesting cottages.


During today’s cruise I managed to take a better photo of Mow Cop.  This was taken using Jan’s little Luminx camera and I was quite surprised at the clarity.



Pip and Mick said...

We thought of coming to try to find you yesterday as we were in Newcastle to see our base plate laid at Tim Tyler's. But we thought you might be on a mission with the locks so avoided a high speed chase down heartbreak hill!
Pip and Mick

Tom and Jan said...

We were rather surprised to read you were over this way as we thought Tim built his boats in Sheffield. But yes, we were on the move mak8ng the most of the fine weather. Ice on the water this morning!

Pip and Mick said...

Tim Tyler builds in Newcastle and Jonathan Wilson in Sheffield a partnership between the two. NB Oleanna will get so far in Newcastle and then move to Sheffield for the shell to be finished off and then the fit out.
No ice on the Trent as yet!

Tom and Jan said...

You would think moving a partially completed shell would increase the price and make them less competitive?