Thursday 6 April 2017

Onwards to Milton Keynes

Out thanks to readers for their supporting comments about yesterday’s post.  It’s going to be quite a wrench giving up Waiouru and life on the cut.  But as one door shuts another opens!  I’ll write about our plans in a future post.

We are now moored in Milton Keynes. They have some interesting mooring control methods here.


Along the way we noticed some mooring bollards that are not on our copy of the Waterway Routes map. I have to send the location to Paul!

We were third in a convoy when we reached the 48 hour moorings at Campbell Park.  To our surprise there were three vacant mooring which were immediately gabbed by the convoy.

I have mixed feelings about the centre of Milton Keynes.  The grade separation of pedestrians and vehicles is great.  There are wide streets and plenty of parking.  But for some reason it feels bland!  One thing I noticed on the walk through Campbell Park……. There are NO rubbish bins and for some reason…. NO litter?  However I did noticed a pile of four plastic bags of rubbish in the park (complete with bunny ears) down near the canal.  I guess there have be some boaters who were unable (or unwilling) to make the walk into the town centre (like me).  My walk took me to Aldi on the opposite side of the town and I was rather hot and sweaty by the time I returned.  Then Jan noticed a boater was using a water point in the park which wasn’t on our map.

P1030871She was rather disappointed to discover the CRT key didn’t fit the lock.  Apparently it’s for the boaters with Park Trust permanent moorings.        

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