Thursday 17 May 2018

Don’t you hate it….

Don’t you hate it when thinks go wrong!   It happened to us today when I moved the media server computer to it’s new location in the cabinet I’ve made.  The simple act of moving it between rooms resulted in it not working.  I spent the entire afternoon fault finding.  Initially I suspect there was a problem with the boot software and spent several hours looking for a solution.  Then I got smart and disconnect all the hard drives only to find the problem still existed.  That meant there was a hardware problem.  Eventually I updated the bios also noticing only 4GB of RAM was being recognised by the system.  After fixing the RAM the system started.

Our new cabinet has been fixed to the wall.


There a a couple of outstanding tasks to complete the cabinet.  It needs a front cupboard door and the screw heads need to be covered.

On a more positive note, I was browsing eBay when I noticed the level in the photo below.  It seemed a bargain at $1 so I placed an order.  My idea is to find a flat horizontal surface on the camper trailer on which to install it.  Hopefully it will be an easy reference point for levelling the trailer at a campsite.


We’ve been checking the letterbox on a daily basis in the expectation of receiving Harry’s invitation to his nuptials.  No sign of it yet and I was starting to get disappointed when I realised….. he is probably holding me in reserve for his next wedding Smile

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