Thursday 23 May 2019

Lake District–Part 2

Some good news!  This is my second post today.  Below this post you should see a test post complete with photos that was written using Open Live Writer.  If you can see the test post then the Open Live Writer instructions provided by very clever Kiwi blog reader (and Blogger) Robin Benton  have worked.  This post has also been written using OLW.

The second piece of good news is I was able to purchase a new mouse today which has significantly eased my ability to write using this handicapped keyboard.  Finally,we’re in anew location where the internet signal appears to be much stronger.

Now to catch up on our time in the Lake District. 

We stopped in Ambleside and browsed through the outdoor clothing shops.  Frankly there wasn’t much point in doing this as the clothing is far too heavy for the Australian climate.  I was looking for a very lightweight rain jacket but even the lightest jacket was too heavy.


We then drove further north to Keswick where Jan had remembered the location of the laundrette from our previous visit.  We’re back to being clean.  After that we had a late lunch at the local ‘spoons’.  


An interesting name for a Weatherspoons.

I took the next photo to remind myself of my last walk here.  Daniel and I walked up the hill on the left and then across the three peaks returning to the cottage in Keswick via the ridgeline on the right. 


Tomorrow we continue north.

1 comment :

Jenny and Robin said...

I can see your photos Tom. They took a little while to appear but they did, now lets hope they stay there.
