When I found Jan crying in the kitchen I knew I needed to take action. Time to “man up”. The obvious thing to do was remove her from the situation and take over.
I peeled and sliced the remainder of the bag of onions. One conclusion from this kind act was to realise I need a new pair of goggles. These don’t fully seal! Whilst I didn’t cry, I’ll admit to weeping slightly towards the end.
Last weekend I attended a fishing competition run by the 4WD Club of which I’m a member.
I’m not a good fisher and am more likely to catch a cold. However one of the things I wanted to do during the competition was try out the dropper system I’ve made for our drone. It was with some trepidation I sent the drone out to sea towing my fishing line. I carefully watched the drone and panicked slightly received a surprise when the drone jerked in the air. I had been concentrating on controlling the drone and hadn’t been watching the reel. I’d used all of the line on the reel. The dropper system worked and my bait was now 300 metres from the shore. No bites; but at least I have some confidence with using the drone and dropper.
During the day Phil caught two fish. Neither were edible and were therefore ineligible to be included in the competition. Apparently only edible fish count.
Several of the club members were very serious about the competition fishing from 7AM to 7PM.
Then a flathead committed suicide foul hooking itself on my second rod. The one that was close to shore. I didn’t even know there was a fish on the end until I recovered the line.
Big enough to be legally caught and edible. It was the only edible fish caught during the competition. I now have the trophy!
What a surprise. Even more of a surprise when I was informed the winner has to organise the competition for 2026
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