Wednesday 7 May 2014

Good to be moving

We’re now moored in the countryside just north of Braunston.  Despite this now being a very familiar piece of canal it was good to be on the move.  Daniel managed to fit in a driving lesson before we departed.  Lunch was on the water point at Hillmorton.  And yes….. we were filling the tank!  Actually the water pressure is so poor here that we thought it might be a case of lunch and dinner.  Jan had baked a loaf of sun dried tomato and cheese bread which went down a treat with a thin slice of butter on top.  Only one slice of lemon cake left which probably means Daniel and I will have to arm wrestle for it!

I managed to grab a quick photo of one of my former work colleagues.  He will recognise himself.

Still ugly!

This photo is for our friends in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia.  They will know the reason why.

Each time we pass these building I find them more attractive.  However I’m not sure if I want to live in what looks like former stables.  I suppose if they were well cleaned first it wouldn’t be quite the same issue.

Meanwhile Jan was particularly interested in the boat with the motorbike on the stern.  Then I realised it was the narrow boat type roses painted on the fuel tank that were impressing her the most.

What the……….????

The North Oxford canal is a narrow canal.  This boater is in for one huge surprise when he reaches Hillmorton Locks!

Daniel had been doing the steering and then suddenly he decided he’d had enough of the tiller handing it over to me and disappearing inside the cabin on some mumbled errand.  Then the heavens opened and only the hire boaters and stupid were on the move!  I think mother must have chased him back out because he re-joined me complete with his heavy raincoat.  Not until the rain stopped did he agree to once again take the tiller.

The reappearance of the sun had him in one of his artistic moods and I found him under my feet with the camera.  It’s almost 32 years since he was last under my feet and I can assure you he has become larger.  Anyway, after some jostling on the stern he finally settled down.  The following photo is the reason why!

Bloody flag wouldn’t stay still in the wind!

A late afternoon walk into Braunston gave me the opportunity to grab a photo of the Warwickshire countryside using the phone camera.

No doubt Daniel and I will managed to fit in a walk during the weekend which will give him the opportunity to lug around that massive camera and take a few good photos (which I will nick!)

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