Tuesday 11 January 2011

A Sad Night

WARNING - There is nothing canal related in this post

Last night we had a bereavement in the house!

I was in the shower before heading to bed when electrical supply failed. After drying myself in the dark, dressing and finding the torch, I headed outside to see what had happened. It didn't take me too long to realise the ‘American’ had died.  She was only 10 years old, but had been in poor health almost since the day she moved in with us. Moreover, the cost of the doctor attending to her ailments increased on each occasions. The organ transplants were getting expensive.   I've decided there is no point in throwing good money after bad so there will be no further transplants or attempts at recuscitation.

She is rather large which means I will be forced to dismember her before I can remove her remains from the house. Fortunately, her predecessor, the smaller 20 year old "Kiwi" is still living with us in semi-retirement. I’ve already volunteered her to take over the American’s household duties.

So the moral of this story is "Don’t think that buying a large and expensive American made fridge/freezer is an indication of quality". We would have been better to stay with the little "Kiwi Battler" that has how been dragged from retirement.

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