Wednesday 9 February 2011

Damned Computer

I hate Windoze….. Each day the computer starts to perform more like me…. slowly!

What I should do is reformat the hard drive and reinstall the Windoze XP operating system.  This would probably get rid of much of the surplus ‘junk’ which is the likely cause of the poor performance.  However with only two months to go before it gets placed into storage, I can’t be bothered.  I’m mindful by the time it comes back out of storage in 5 years it will be even more obsolete.

By comparison the three older desktops are using Linux Ubuntu and are running as if they are on steroids.  I’m becoming rather fond of Ubuntu.  It breathes life back into ancient computers!


Elly and Mick said...

Tom and Jan, are you leaving in just two months? We're so jealous! I think I'm going to have to go back to the beginning of your blog. I only discovered it after I started writing ours.
I'm having computer grief too. It's making photos difficult to upload. Going to get a new laptop this week and I'm thinking the next one will one day be a narrowboat traveller.

Tom and Jan said...

Hi Elly,
Our flights are in May and we intend to rent our house out in April. We are hoping NB Waiouru will be ready when we arrive otherwise we will need to look for some cheap accommodation, perhaps a caravan!

What size (resolution) photo's are you trying to upload and are you sending them to an online album (eg, Picasa?) before linking them to your blog? Are you using Windows Live Writer to write your blog posts offline?

For computing on the boat we have my work laptop and an Asus netbook. We are also taking our 4x4 external whip mobile phone aerial to get a signal in the more difficult locations (I hope!)

Bruce in Sanity said...

Tom: if you're cool with Ubuntu, you'd enjoy Snow Leopard. Next time, buy a Mac Mini, use your existing keyboard/mouse/screen and never see a blue screen of death again!

About 600 squids for a new one, but some nice pre-loved ones about for 300 or so.

All the best


Tom and Jan said...

I rate Jobs slightly higher than Gates. But only just! Both our sons have Apple pc's and are converts. I'm an 'open source' man with short arms and deep pockets. . Why buy when you can have the same functionality free. :-)

Elly and Mick said...

Tom, I write my blogs in Word and just copy them when I'm ready to post them.

The photos have been a problem only because I've been unable to use my broadband connection and had to resort to my little wireless USB connection - quickly used up my monthly allowance so running on "go-slow". Such a nuisance. I just discovered this laptop is under warranty (3yrs!) so it's being sent off next week for repair.

I don't know anything about Live Writer but will have a look into it as another way to write blog entries offline.


Tom and Jan said...

I think you will find using Live Writer makes it much easier to write your posts offline. I also find it easier to inset photo's into my posts from my on-line picasa photo album.