Friday 25 February 2011

Where’s all the Concrete


One comment frequently heard from people “down-under” who have not been to the UK is “Why do you want to go to a concrete jungle?”   Well as any UK readers know “it’s not like that!”  Each trip Jan patiently allows me to spend a day walking in an interesting part of the country.  I quite like the Lake District where I have completed three walks.  The one problem is each time I get to the top of the hill I’m either in the clouds or driving rain, so I’ve never seen anything :-)

In 2005 I completed the “3 Peaks Challenge” in the Yorkshire Dales.  Jan spent the day in Skipton whilst I took the rental car to Horton in Ribblesdale.  The idea was to climb to the top of three local hills in less than 12 hours.  I competed the route in an anti-clockwise direction taking just over nine hours.

The first hill was Pen-Y-Ghent and despite taking an incorrect turn I made it to the top in good time.

From there I headed down and past the railway bridge

I would have been ahead of this young lass except I stopped and waited for the train to pass over the bridge :-)

One of the pleasant things about walking in the UK is you seem to meet a number of people out enjoying the countryside.  In Australia I can go for a three hour walk and not see anyone!  As I started up the second hill (Little Whernside) I caught up with a large number of walkers around my own age or older.  Initially I was impressed that they had managed to be so far ahead of me but then I realised they were only attempting this hill.

The top of Little Whernside with the third hill on the horizon.

By the time I reached the top of the third hill (Ingleborough) I was starting to feel my age.  I needed to get this walk over and done with so I joggled back down the hill to the car.  Unfortunately for me, I thought it was a short journey from the top of Ingleborough back to to the car at Horton in Ribblesdale.  It wasn’t! 

Driving the car the next day was agony!


Elly and Mick said...

Fantastic pic of the railway bridge - worth stopping for the photo opportunity!

Tom and Jan said...

When I staggered into Horton in Ribblesdale at the end of the day the young lady was sitting at a cafe looking as fresh as the moment she started.
Unfortunately I can't say the same :-)