Saturday, 10 December 2011

Cratch Bilge, Locker and Diesel Tank

Last night we received a Skype call from youngest son back in Australia.  His day was just starting whilst we were about to head for bed.  One of the advantages of being unemployed retired is you’re not working to a timetable.  Stay up an extra hour and you can compensate with an additional hour in bed the following morning. Smile   

Anyway, it was great to hear from him and catch up on all the family news!

Woke this morning to find ice had formed on the inside of the upper edge of the windows on Ufton. <brrrr>   Made a mental note to purchase an absorbent cloth to use for removing all the condensation as it melts.  Paul; the boater behind us; mentioned we would be protected from the worst of the weather as Ufton is positioned (sandwiched) between two other boats. The only disadvantage I can see is the increased hazard crossing slippery, frozen steel.

Now the foredeck is constructed Dennis and I have been discussing the detail for the cratch locker and fuel tank. 

Dennis is a little camera shy

I’ve attempted to show the position of the storage lock (left) and diesel tank (right) by drawing red lines on the photo.  Both will be 430mm high which is about right for sitting on.  It also provides maximum storage.

The cratch bilge has now been fitted.  Actually we know it works because it was full of water this morning after the overnight rain.  It’s also interesting to see how quickly the surface rust is appearing on the bare steel.

The bilge pump will fit down into the small bilge sump.  On the other side of the bow we have agreed where the diesel inlet will be.

Dennis will cut an opening in the top of the gunwale at position “A” and construct a rebated circular hole for the diesel filling point.  He already has the component (“B”).  I’ve show the approximate height of the tank with the red line.  I must take some time to calculate the approximate holding capacity.

There is a “U” section drainage channel at the bottom of the bulkhead.  It drains the foredeck to the bilge.  However Dennis will blank it off where the diesel tank is and drill a hole through the bottom of the channel.  On the underneath side of the channel we will fit a drainage valve.  The intention is the drainage channel will form a very small linear diesel tank bilge and any water or other impurities should collect in it.  It will then be possible to drain them off.  The actual diesel stove outlet point will be located approximately 30mm higher on the bulkhead.

Dennis is now finishing installing the extensions to the forward bulkhead panels before fabricating a raised lip across the door opening.  This is to prevent any water from entering the boat.  He will then construct the locker and fuel tank before making a start on the blackwater tank.


Davidss said...

"The only disadvantage I can see is the increased hazard crossing slippery, frozen steel.".
Consider buying a spray bottle of car window de-icer. If there is any left it's useful for de-icing gunnels and the front deck, while boating in winter conditions.
It's what I used when picking up a frozen boat from Torksey one Christmas. One of us had to walk down the outside of the boat (gunnels) to release the bow mooring rope.

"It’s also interesting to see how quickly the surface rust is appearing on the bare steel.".
Welcome to the 'always damp' UK :-)

Regards, David.

Tom and Jan said...


That's a good idea!