Monday 7 March 2016

Banana Pi

A very late and brief post today as youngest son has been using our laptop to re-encode a 3D video and the task has taken 12 hours finishing at 9.30pm.  More on that in a later post.

However I do want to mention the Banana Pi.  you may recall I have been experimenting with a Raspberry Pi single board computer creating a media streamer.  Yesterday I heard about the Banana Pi.  They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and the Chinese have copied the Raspberry Pi.  Well it’s not an exact copy, but certainly very similar.  Moreover the Banana Pi is more powerful.  It uses the same operating system and is almost the same size, but is approximately 30% more expensive.  If I had known about the Banana Pi I would probably have bought one instead of the Raspberry Pi.

Normal service will hopefully return tomorrow.


Les Biggs said...

Jaq made peach pie yesterday.

Tom and Jan said...

I hope you saved a slice for me! The raspberry pi doesn't look all that tasty!