Wednesday 5 February 2020

We are not paying that much!

The blade on the lawn edger has worn out and today we visited the hardware for a replacement blade.  They had them in stock but I wasn’t going to pay $29.95 for a piece of flat steel with a hole in it; no matter how fancy and colourful the blister pack!. 


The old blade.  Probably half the length of when it was purchased.

Poor Jan got dragged down to the steel area in the store where I found a 2 metre length of flat steel of the same width and thickness for $11.25


Once back home I cut 240mm off one end with the Aldi angle grinder.


There is enough flat bar left for another seven blades.  However I’ll probably use the bar on the trailer.

I used the gauge callipers from Aldi to measure the diameter of the original hole before drilling a hole in my new blade (Aldi step drill bit…. love Aldi).

Then I ground an edge on each end of the flat bar using the bench grinder and a flat file.


The last step was to fit it to the lawn edger.


Total cost somewhere under $1.50.

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