The bike selfie stick mounting bracket is quite strong but very limited in movement. Only the vertical angle can be adjusted which limits recorded camera foot to the front or above. I'd also like to be able to capture footage from the left and right.
The selfie stick has an M6 threaded hole in the end which I assume is for mounting purposes.
The thread only extends approximately 10mm into the handle of the stick and I suspect the weight of the camera on the end of the stick bouncing around on a moving bike would probably cause the connection to fail.
I decided to make a prototype selfie stick mounting bracket by modifying the existing bracket. It needed to be made for anything I had in my "useful one day" storage area. There was a piece of steel flat bar surplus to my making of lawn edger blades. After applying some heat I was able to bend it to the required shape before pot riveting a small piece of surplus pvc water pipe onto the end.
It looks like this
The M6 bolt in the end of the handle will be replaced with a spare wing nut bolt I'll cut to length.
I'm also going to add Sikaflex around the connection between the steel and the piece of pvc pipe.
Finally, I'll replace the M6 nut that secures the new bracket to the mount with a M6 Wing Bolt and spring washer.
The last task will be painting everything.
My new bracket should now add 180° (or more) lateral selfie stick movement. If I've done this right I should now be able to record myself riding the bike from either side. Well that's the theory.
The bracket looks very substantial without an obvious weak point to break at.
What do your risk assessments say about injuries to you in the event of an accident (which may not be your fault) or to other people like pedestrians?
Paul I'm only planning to use the camera and selfie stick on the cycle paths (no pedestrians). Moreover, I will only turn it to the side when there are no other cyclists around (which is rather common here). I'm actually finding other cyclists are more courteous when they think I'm recording them :-)
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