I must thank blog reader Dave for his comment on yesterday’s post. He has made me revisit the fishing knot jig and improve it.
The above is the jig folded for transit. You might note the bracket that used to hold the poles has disappeared. I’ve now modified the jig to enable the poles to be stored inside the jig when folded.
This is a much better solution. And YES; the hinges are different sizes. I’m making this at zero cost.
Jan hasn’t been feeling well since her AstraZeneca injection a week ago. Actually she sounds awful. It’s like living in SeaWorld with a seal constantly barking and coughing. Jan thinks it bronchitis combined with something else.
Yesterday I wrote the Perth region had gone back to masks and travel/activity restrictions after a COVID case was detected. Last night that was upgraded to an initial four days of lockdown. It just happened to coincide with our food stocks getting low and with Jan not feeling the best it was up to me to do some essential purchasing. I went to “Little Somalia” where the prices in the various shops tend to be lower. Have you noticed that in some instances the prices are dictated by the income of the clientele? It’s not really called Little Somalia, however you will gather from the name the ethnicity of the majority of shoppers.
The thing I found interesting was the change in attitude of the shop assistants. When I reached the check-out in the Fruit & Veg shop two separate customers immediately ahead of me were attempting to claim refunds for produce. Unsurprisingly they weren’t communicating in English. This wasn’t an issue as the shop assistants are either the same ethnicity or bilingual. I worked out what was happening by observing the body language and tone of voice. The shop assistant wanted to see their receipts; which they couldn’t provide. Later, at the supermarket check-out the assistant wanted to see my receipt for the fruit & veg purchased earlier. That was a first! I wonder if theft is increasing? Perhaps I have a dishonest face!