Saturday, 19 March 2011

Double Insulated

More excitement when we received some photo’s from Kelly.  We were most interested to see how the installation of the extra insulation had progressed.

Ben has tightly fitted the bubble foil to the ceiling and you can also see where it has been installed in the walls by looking at the portholes. 

Here is another view.  We now have two layers of insulation on the walls consisting of a spray foam outer and a bubble foil inner.

This is a view of the ceiling lining.  We decided on a water resistant formica clad board in an off white colour.  Ben appears to have selected one with a plank effect.

His joinery around the Houdini hatches looks very nice!


Nick said...

It's looking good... Don't worry, time will fly leading up to May.

Tom and Jan said...

Time is already flying (too fast)