Saturday 12 May 2012

How many more holes

Just how many more holes need to be drill in the shell?  Today holes for the forward shore power connection; bow thruster controls; and camera cables in the cratch were either drilled or cut.  Lately I’ve been waking in the morning to numb fingers in my left hand.  Probably from the vibration of the electric drill.

To answer my own opening question; the following additional holes are required.

  1. Hand basin outlet
  2. Galley sink outlet
  3. Washing machine outlet
  4. Stern shore power socket
  5. Engine controller
  6. Camera monitor socket
  7. Pump out socket
  8. Rinse socket
  9. Blackwater tank breather outlet
  10. Headlamp & horn cable holes in cratch
  11. Additional roof vent
  12. Screw down holes for water tank hatch

If I drill many more hole in Waiouru I’m concerned she may sink! <sigh> Winking smile

In the afternoon I used some timber off-cuts to make a <very> temporary mounting bracket for the TV antenna pole which we purchased from B&Q last Thursday.  Unfortunately the antenna cable is only long enough to reach the first section of the pole.  Consequentially I’ll have to extend the cable if we want to double the height of the antenna. The mounting is very “Heath Robinson”; but no duck tape, baling twine, or No8 fencing wire was used during the manufacture. Open-mouthed smile

It only has to last a couple of months and at least we now have a signal.

Not made by a competent joiner. Smile

But there is now a reasonable signal.

Tomorrow I must find out from Nick, the engineer, the hole sizes for the pump out and rinse connections on the roof.  I might even get them cut!


thameslock said...

The sink waste trap should allow a connection for the W/M waste water, one less hole to drill!,

Tom and Jan said...

Unfortunately I suspect the sink and w/m are too far apart.