Tuesday 29 October 2013

The storm that wasn’t… for us!

OK, the rain belted down but there was no serious wind, which was rather fortunate because I’d forgotten to remove everything off the cabin roof or tie it down.  We moved a short distance before lunch and noticed on the way that a couple of trees had come down blocking the towpath.  Fortunately they weren’t large enough to go across the canal.  Elsewhere people were not so lucky!

So here we are back at Brownsover (Again!) on the opposite side to the 24 hour moorings.  The plan was to arrive just after 11.00am in the hope of finding a vacant spot on the offside which is actually closer to town and Tesco.  There are no mooring rings and I’ve used our “Jones multi-anchor plates” to secure Waiouru at bow and stern.

One local boater has already asked if we have a patent for the device (LOL) and then informed me he was off to make some for his own boat!

I wonder if any UK blog readers noticed the article in the Telegraph <here> which included the suggestion hospital patients should be given pen and paper to record all their “issues” with the quality of their care.  The safety culture in a hospital is in crisis if they need the patients to tell them they have a problem.  The staff should be reporting the incidents long before the patient!

We own a small laptop that doesn’t have a DVD drive.  Much of today’s software is purchased on a DVD and this has proved to be a slight problem.  Of course we could buy an external USB DVD drive but that seems a waste of money for something that would be used very infrequently.  Today I worked our how to transfer an ISO file from a DVD to a USB stick using a small free program called ISOtoUSB.  It can be downloaded here.  The program enables any ISO file to be copied to a suitably sized USB stick.  The software in the ISO can then be install via the stick.  I always feel content when saving money!

If you have been regularly reading the blog posts you may recall I had come across a public footpath that physically didn’t exist whilst walking in the Braunston area.  Paul (nb Waterways Routes) suggested I contact Warwickshire Council and provide a link to their “Definitive Map” webpage.  I’ve been in communication with the people at Country Paths and today received the following email.

Thank you for your clarification.  This matter is logged on our database as:

Footpath number R252 Issue number 100329.

The Rights of Way officer a jobsheet has been issued and the remedial works will be carried out in due course.

Rights of Way Team

Remedial action might just take place……….. in due course!

1 comment :

Dave,Beryl Bradshaw said...

But electric heater will not be running 24/7 once up to temp it should only need to come on occasionally to top up the temp
the lockgate would burn constantly
so elect should be cheaper Dave