Tuesday 13 May 2014

New boat blogger & Annoyed

I’ve received an email from John which included a link to his blog.  It seems more Kiwi’s and Aussies are making the journey to spend time exploring the interesting canals of England and Wales.

The link to nb Molly-Rose is on our blog roll to the right.

Right now I’m rather annoyed with three issues.  The first is with a query I made to a potential supplier requesting a quotation.  The quotation was received but I also received a pending invoice for the product from Paypal.  Now I never sent the supplier my Paypal account details.  Actually I didn’t tick anything that even suggested I had a Paypal account.  The only explanation I can come up with is that the supplier uses Paypal and was able to identify I also had a Paypal account via my email address.  No doubt there is something in the fine print of the Paypal Terms & Conditions which allows them to do this.  I think the raising of the invoice is rather presumptuous of the potential supplier and I’ve declined the transaction.

The second annoying this is the printer.  It hasn’t been used for at least six months and when I went to use it today the black ink cartridge was empty.  Of course most people know the inkjet printer manufacturers make very little profit out of the sale of the printer.  It’s the high cost of replacement propriety cartridge where they make their money.  That’s why I used to refill my own cartridges from bulk ink that I would purchase.  Unfortunately I don’t have the room on the boat to store the bulk ink and refill associated paraphernalia.  It looks like we will (reluctantly) have to purchase a replacement cartridge.

Finally, today I attempted to use the small (and cheap) rotary pump I purchased last year from Aldi to transfer some diesel between tanks.  The pump is driven by the battery powered drill.  Unfortunately I have discovered it is not a self priming pump.  Or if it is… it doesn’t %^&*$ work!

Let’s hope tomorrow is a better day!


Halfie said...

This could merely be coincidence, but ... both my wife (another Jan) and I received scam/spam e-mails from PayPal today. Mine went into my junk folder where I deleted it without bothering to open it. Neither Jan nor I have PayPal accounts.

Judith nb Serena said...

Hi Tom
I gave up on printers on the boat as I didn't use it frequently enough and the head dried out. If I now want to download and print anything I go to the nearest library.
On the pump for your diesel we use a jiggle syphon, no power needed, just one pipe, easy to store.
Loved your Sandy Tales.
Judith and John nbSerena

Judith nb Serena said...

Hi Tom
I gave up on printers on the boat as I didn't use it frequently enough and the head dried out. If I now want to download and print anything I go to the nearest library.
On the pump for your diesel we use a jiggle syphon, no power needed, just one pipe, easy to store.
Loved your Sandy Tales.
Judith and John nbSerena

Tom and Jan said...

I think it's a coincidence Halfie

Tom and Jan said...

Hi Judith, Lovely to hear from you and thanks for the library suggestion. Unfortunately the syphon only works if the receiving container is lower than the holding. In our case it was the reverse!

Jannock said...

Tom. Before ditching the pump, try reversing the drill direction. Sometimes they are made to work anti-clockwise

Tom and Jan said...

It had a small arrow showing the direction of rotation for the drill which I followed. I even tried reversing the direction. The last thing I did was to disassemble and reassemble it. I eventually came to the conclusion it wasn't a self priming pump.