Saturday 13 June 2015

Short Cruise

With a forecast of heavy showers in the afternoon we decided we would have a short day of cruising   Actually it was a toss up whether to move.  But then we were going to have to run the engine to recharge the batteries so we might as well do that on the move.

We hadn’t noticed the boat moored three away from us yesterday at the Cunning Man.  Addicted blog readers might recognise the name.  At least one kiwi couple should!

northern prideWe get amused by the number of people who look at the flag on Waiouru’s stern and then mention Australia.  There is an easy way to tell the difference between the Australian and New Zealand flags.  The Australian flag has white stars and the NZ has red with a white border.  The Australian flag has six stars.  The five small stars represent the Southern Cross and the large cross represents the Federation of Australian States.  The star has six points which represent the original five States with one point for the Territories.   The NZ flag has four stars which also represent the Southern Cross. 

We caught up with a solo boater at Burghfield lock and shared locks with him until we moored at Theale.  He took some pride in telling us he was close to 80 and after a second hip replacement he felt he could be boating for a few more years.


He was quite prepared to get off his boat and share working the gates and paddles.  Both of us noted the name of his boat.


Prior to arriving in the UK we lived in Adelaide, South Australia for 18 years.  It’s the longest we have ever lived in one location during our married life.  However there is no connection between the name of his boat and our last address.  The boat is named after a favourite aunt.

Jan got the finger power ‘high’ at Theale Swing Bridge controlling the road traffic whilst both boats moved through and onto the moorings above the bridge.

theale swingbridge

We had only just finished mooring and setting up the TV aerial when the forecast rain arrived.  After lunch I walked to the large Sainsbury’s supermarket at Theale for some essential supplies (doughnuts). 

We’re not in a hurry and may stay here tomorrow.


Ade said...

Hi Tom & Jan,
Back on the old stomping ground, I wonder how that feels after a fair time you spent here those few years ago, 2012 was it? I'm guessing probably wrong! Tom you must know it like the back of your hand as the saying goes. Remind me how long you were at aldermaston fitting out Waiouru? I know I could look it up but I expect you know off the cuff so to speak.

Enjoying this.


Tom and Jan said...

Hi Ade

Yes we know the area well and many of the same boats are still here. We arrived in Oct 2011 and left in May 2013. The last 5 months we were waiting for the final fixes to the boat (which didn't happen) and for the winter water levels to drop on the river.

We hadn't originally planned to stop here but I got our dates wrong!

Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Hi Tom and Jan, We met the man on Adelaide a few weeks ago at Stoke Bruerne when he had his wife, daughter and grandsons on board. He is a professor at Cambridge and his wife is a practising doctor and psychotherapist. We breasted up with them coming down to make life easier as he was single handing even with crew ...
Cheers, Marilyn