Saturday 16 April 2016


Walking around Liverpool has been an interesting experience, however that’s not what has made me stiff and sore.  It’s this…..


Two consecutive days of washing and polishing our home.  I think it was the afternoon spent on the cabin roof with the nailbrush scrubbing the non-slip areas.  I’m out of condition after a sedentary winter (or two) and the port (left) side still has to be done!

In the last post I mentioned Liverpool’s “Three Graces” and had already taken photos of the Royal Liver Building and The Port of Liverpool headquarters.  The third ”grace” is the Cunard Building which is slightly smaller and in between them.  Today I walked there to take a photo.


Along the way I noticed the Great Western Railway building on the northern edge of Canning Dock.  Well actually I noticed it yesterday but didn’t take a photo.  I’d already noticed a disused railway line further north on empty land at Princes Dock and it would be obvious to originally have a rail line directly to what would have been working docks.


I’ve also had second thoughts about the Queensway Tunnel.  I now think my earlier photo of the air extraction building is for the Kingsway Tunnel.  There is a building behind the Port of Liverpool headquarters which I had assumed was a Carillion but now understand it is the air extraction system for the eastern end of the Queensway Tunnel.  A similar style building can be seen on the opposite bank of the River Mersey.


Most people probably consider a ferry crossing of the Mersey.  However those of us who are asylum-seekers can take the tunnel <info here>.

Behind the Town Hall is a courtyard which has a monument in the centre.  My initial guess was it commemorated Admiral Nelson because at the top of the pedestal is a cornice with an inscription in metal letters reading ENGLAND EXPECTS EVERY MAN TO DO HIS DUTY However the four figures bound in chains around the base confused me.  Nevertheless my first guess was correct and the four chained figures represent his four major victories. 


The unusual part of this monument was the circular grills in the base of the plinth.  By standing close to them you could feel air being pushed out of the base of the monument.  I did wonder if it was an air vent linked to the Queensway Tunnel or perhaps the railway tunnel?  It did appear to be on the approximate alignment of both tunnels.

20160415_183224 Eastern entrance


Ade said...

Looking very shiny Tom impressed how well the paintwork polishes up. Is it a powered polisher you use or just plain old elbow grease?

Tom and Jan said...

The removal of the polish is the easy part. All elbow grease, hence the sore back and arms!