Monday 9 April 2018

Saving the clothes

Jan mentioned the retracting clothesline under the carport probably needed to be replaced.  The cords are brittle, frayed and discoloured.  The box the lines retract into was faded and covered in rust.  After checking the price of a new clothesline I decided to see if it was possible to purchase new line.  The current clothesline is located against the edge of the carport close to the neighbour’s boundary fence.  It gets some sunlight but is also exposed to the rain.  I decided to move the line so it ran down the middle of the carport.  This would get it away from both the rain and sunlight.  The fierce Australian sun rapidly fades clothes whilst the former just delays the drying process.

The mounting bracket was moved to the middle of the garage door lintel.  At the opposite end the mounting bracket was bolted to the last carport beam.


The retracting box was disassembled before the case was wire brushed back to bare metal and primed before receiving three coats of silver paint left over from the refurbishment of the 4x4 wheels.


Sixty metres of clothesline cord cost me $26.20 from Bunnings.  The line was laid out and I replaced the original cords.


It was then a matter of reassembling the mechanism and mounting the clothesline in its new position.


The lines are slightly higher, but that would only be an issue for the vertically challenged (sorry Jaq).  Of course Jan can’t use the clothesline because the carport is currently my workshop.

I’ve also had a failure.  I wanted to jack up the 4x4 and add 70mm of Nulon G70 additive to the gearbox.  Despite several hours of strenuous effort I’ve been unable to level the vehicle on the ramps and stands.  Consequentially, when I removed the filler plug, oil started to run out.  I’m going to need to find an alternative method.

Readers may know the Commonwealth Games are currently underway on the Gold Coast in Queensland.  Australian athletes appears to be winning many medals.  Which probably isn’t surprising because if you were watching the Australian commercial TV channels no other country is competing. Smile 

Of course the local media latched onto the story about used syringes being found discarded near the Indian athletes accommodation and there was muttering about cheating until someone mentioned the cricket.   Cricket…. mention cricket around here any everyone will profess to only knowing it as as small insect. Smile

1 comment :

Caroline and Martin said...

Just to let you know we spotted nb waiouru on the Ashby canal last week, she's looking good. :-) Caroline.