Tuesday 13 November 2018

Blogger Visitors

There wasn’t much done on the trailer project yesterday as we had interesting visitors.  However I did manage to do some sharpening with the oilstone in the morning.
Jan had been using the paint scraper to remove the sun tint film off a couple of the bedroom windows and it was now blunt.  I imaging most people replace these ‘Stanley’ blades, but I can get more life from them by resharpening.
Jan had also mentioned the circular blade on her electric bread slicer seemed to be blunt.  Probably not surprising as its sharpened hundreds of loaves she has baked.  Anyway,  the blade also got the oilstone treatment.
Later in the morning Di and Fraser arrived.  We first met this interesting couple at Evesham when cruising the Avon.  On that occasion they arrived bearing freshly baked scones, which went down a treat.  Di is a Kiwi and Fraser hales from Canberra.  Somewhat like us; they’ve done quite a bit of moving around and currently reside in Canada.  They have an interesting blog <link here> and have also been bitten by the narrowboat bug! 
We had a great afternoon discussing past and future plans over a BBQ lunch.  I managed to undercook the chicken and over cook the sausages, so on average everything was OK!  Yes, I do need further training.  Hopefully that will be rectified when master BBQ’er George (of George & Carol – WB Still Rockin’) visits Perth in the New Year.
Now this next observation will astound narrowboaters…… The subject of toilets was only raised once!
All too soon it was time for them to head back to their accommodation leaving us rather envious about their future canal cruising plans.

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