It was time to “re-purpose the bulk of the 18650 lithium cells salvaged from the e-scooter battery. This time I would use 15 cells instead of the previous 10 cells as the remaining cells have less capacity.
A slight improvement on my previous method. This time I secured the individual frames inside the battery case using hot glue
There were sufficient cells to make two batteries with cases ordered from Aliexpress.
After completing the spot welding I tested the battery before final assembly
With 15 cells to a battery the rated capacity is 9Ah. However as the cells have a reduced capacity the batteries have an actual capacity of slightly more than 6Ah.
The last three lithium batteries I “liberated” from the local rubbish tip disappointingly only provided two usable cells. However that brings my total number of available cells to 11 which means I can make another battery.
That got me thinking about the different types of batteries I have for my power tools
[L – R]
Aldi 14.4V battery for the Aldi drill. I’ve already replaced the cells in the battery. They were very poor quality and in future I won’t be buy and Aldi battery devices.
The next battery is for my Bosch drill which I bought to assist in the fitout of Waiouru. It still works but only has a 3Ah capacity
The 3rd battery is a DeWalt 6Ah
The last two I made and are 6Ah and 9Ah respectively.
I’ve now discovered it’s possible to buy a battery adapter plate. If the Bosch battery fails I’ll buy a DeWalt to Bosch battery adapter plate and standardise my batteries around DeWalt.
After gaining confidence using the drone during the recent fishing competition I realised one limitation was the length of line on my spinning reel. This prevented the drone from taking the line further out.
A search on Aliexpress identified a trolling reel which a much greater line capacity. It had an initial price over $100 but had been discounted to $80. Jan did her magic thing with discount codes and Cashback reducing the price to $40. A bargain! she also managed to get $8 off the 1000 mtrs of braided line
Now I need a cool and still day to test my new drone fishing setup.
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