Wednesday 25 July 2012

Todd River

A sign has been tied to the bow of Waiouru.

If you are an Australian reader then you’re likely to immediately recognise the joke!  The Todd River runs through the centre of the town of Alice Springs which is in the centre of Australia.  It’s the third largest town in the Northern Territory.  The Todd River an ephemeral river (ie, lasts only one day) and decades can pass before there is water in it.  However when infrequent heavy rains fall north of Alice Springs the water can rapidly fill the dry riverbed.  People in the Northern Territory will tell you you’re not a true “Territorian” until you’ve seen the Todd in flood!

In August each year Alice Springs conducts the Henley on Todd Regatta.  The boats have no bottoms and the contestant run down the dry riverbed carrying their boats.  The regatta actually carries insurance in case it of rain and the Todd River started to flow.

Well Waiouru is also on dry land but I certainly don’t feel like carrying her anywhere!  Winking smile

This afternoon nb Nuneaton and the butty Brighton passed through Aldermaston Wharf heading towards Reading.  Jan was able to take a couple of photos as they approached Padworth Lock,

Meanwhile, I have been busy fitting the cratch bilge pump.  The foredeck is below water level so we need the bilge pump should any water accumulate in the cratch.

It’s a very small bilge in the bottom of the starboard locker.  Only just large enough for the pump.  The pump has an automatic float switch and a manual over-ride switch which is located in the bedroom.

Tomorrow Richard and I should finish the starboard side of the back cabin and then make a start on the guests bed.  We had a very fruitful discussion regarding the design of the cabin rear steps and think we’ve developed a good solution.

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