Saturday 19 April 2014

“Look Out…. It’s the Kiwis!”

“Are they wearing gumboots?


“Phew… then we’re safe this time!”

(Australians will understand the above!)

Leaving Jan to do the laundry, Daniel and I headed off to complete a circular walk south of the canal and west of Newbold.  The intention was to record a few short sections of footpath that were not already on the OSM.  We also wanted spend some quiet time walking in the tranquil English countryside.  It was a glorious sunny day. 

It was a bit of a struggle getting out of the boat as someone (who shall remain unnamed) was feeding our lunch to Mother Duck and her pre-schoolers.

One advantage of taking Daniel on the walk was he takes a much better photo than me.  Somehow I seem to miss those scenes so the following photos are all his.

A house near the Lawford Arms pub

At one point the public footpath took us through a herd of cows.  Daniel was leading until he noticed one large cow in the middle which had horns and a sizeable appendage hanging underneath.  Suddenly I was the closest to the herd!  It seemed a day for meeting livestock.  A couple of fields later we met “Dobbin” and his mates.

The following is the one photo Daniel saw no point in taking.  He said there was nothing of interest in the composition….. So cruel!

I walked past this tree and never saw the photo opportunity.

I had planned a route so we would go past Brinklow Marina.  The idea was to see how many boats were in the marina during Easter.  As it turned out the marina appeared quite full.

You can see Brinklow Marina in the right far distance of the above photo.  I gained the impression the marina is in quite an isolated location.  Probably not the place to consider wintering over; unless you have your own transport.

We arrived back at Waiouru to find Jan had only completed half the laundry but had already eaten lunch.  The rest of the bread had gone to the ducklings and Mrs Moorhen!  Cheese and crackers for us, although I scored the last slice of lemon drizzle cake!

In the afternoon I managed to finish polishing Waiouru’s port side.  Weather permitting tomorrow, I might make a start on repairing those winter scratches below the port gunwale.

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