Thursday 10 April 2014

Where did it go?

I’m wondering what happened to all the available minutes in today.  They seemed to disappear!  However on reflection we actually appeared to have achieved a number of tasks today.  Such a pity it was a lovely day and we spent it working

The port side of the engine bay received that second coat of paint and I finally managed to install  the Empirbus usb drivers onto the new dongle.  Now we can communicate with the boat electrical system.  Tomorrow I plan to check the bilge pumps are working correctly.  I also want to look at configuring the system so that the boat will send our mobile phone a text warning message should one of the bilge pumps activate.  The idea is the boat will tell us if one of the pumps works when we are away from Waiouru.

The modified spare bed extension was used for the first time last night.

It’s nearly finished.  Just the rough edges to smooth and the bare timber to varnish

This afternoon Daniel took me for a walk whilst Jan did some Tesco shopping.  We walked to the Rugby town end of the old Central Railway permanent way and walked south along it towards Banbury.  One of the locals told us it was a 25 mile walk with one tunnel. 

We only walked the first five kilometres before turning east and completing a loop back into Rugby.  Daniel then fixed some software on the new ultrabook whilst I sampled his Belgium beer (very nice it was too). 

The toilet tank will be happy.  Jan managed to buy three bottles of Tesco Super Value liquid laundry wash.  No one can claim that our “stuff” stinks…. it smells like freshly washed laundry!

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