Tuesday 6 January 2015

Fire and Water

We are thinking of our friends in South Australia who are under threat from a huge bush fire in the Adelaide Hills and environs.  Hopefully they are safe and if the fire does approach their property they initiate their fire survival plan early!  Also thinking of dear old mum in Perth where the mercury reached 40°c today.  She planned to have both the evaporative and refrigeration air conditioning systems running.  It there was a power blackout then I hope she had the sense to climb into a full bath of water.

Whilst doing the engine service last week I noticed a significant amount of condensation on the sides of the swim.  This was then starting to accumulate in the bilge.  I’m not sure where I found this tip and whether I’ve previously mentioned it on the blog.  But I’m using it with some success.

All our old newspapers get rolled up and held with a piece of sticky tape.

They then get placed vertically inside the engine compartment with the open leaf end facing downwards.  The newspaper acts as a wick and absorbs any water drawing it up the rolled paper.  When they are saturated they are removed and replaced with a fresh roll.

There are currently two in the engine compartment.  During summer they aren’t required.  I can’t believe that the engine bay which looked so clean in May has become so grubby.  Another job for this spring.


Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Tom, that is a damned fine idea re the newspapers - when we return, we'll start buying them for that express purpose - or we will roll up and tape puppy training pads (cheaper at £5 for 40) in the same way.
Hope your mum is OK in the heat.
Cheers, Marilyn

nb AmyJo said...

I believe I mentioned it in my post


It was an idea given to me by the engineer who serviced our engine. Works a treat and I still use it from time to time.

nb AmyJo said...

I believe I mentioned it in my post


It was an idea given to me by the engineer who serviced our engine. Works a treat and I still use it from time to time.

Tom and Jan said...

You have jogged my memory and I believe you are right. It's a great tip!