Tuesday 20 January 2015

More than once

When in Lidl I noticed they had steak & ale pies which prompted a suggestion from me to Jan that we buy one.  She isn’t that keen on steak & ale but rather reluctantly agreed to purchase one for me choosing a chicken & leek pie for herself. 

I’ve learned not to buy beef pies.  The beef can come from any part of the beast and frequently tastes offal.  I thought I would be safe with a beef ‘steak’ pie.  Well it was revolting.  The beast must have been a geriatric and the grizzly portions went into my pie.  I was forcing it down my throat when a small voice said to me “You don’t have to eat this!”  So I ate the remaining pastry and left the “steak” to one side.

Obviously the steak & ale pie took exception to my cavalier approach because it decided to repeat on me during the evening.  I woke at 2am with a burning sensation in my chest.  That damned steak had decided to make an escape attempt back up my elementary canal bringing stomach acids with it.  A cold glass of milk would have fixed the problem but I didn’t want to interrupt Jan who was counting sheep.

This morning my stomach was feeling somewhat crook but it settled somewhat after the yogurt on my cereal went down.  The idea of a long walk today has been deferred.

Apparently Jan had a similar experience with her chicken & leek pie.  After a number of bad experiences with these supermarket pies I’ve hopefully learned my lesson and will avoid them in future.  As Jan pointed out, the best pie we’ve had in the UK was purchased from the butcher at Brewood on the Shroppie.


Tonight we had the scottish steak Jan bought in Lidl.  I can report I’ve eaten plenty of steaks that were considerably worse.  My piece was rather tasty.  Jan has made me a plum jam steamed pudding to wash it down. 

I need to make a trip to the nearby Wickes for a length of timber dowel.  The plastic dowel on our flag just doesn’t have the necessary strength for this UK weather.

The internet coverage is still intermittent, hence the lack of photos and the brief post.  There is a stoppage ahead of us which means our internet situation probably isn’t going to change for at least one more week.


Paul (from Waterway Routes) said...

Dowel doesn't usually have much strength against wind.

Plan B would be to use a broom handle if you can find one of the right diameter as they can often be stronger.

Plan C is to use a length of wardrobe hanging rail metal tube, which you can usually get in white, bronze, or silver to match the boat.

I used Plan C with one long length cut in half to make two poles. I found one just the right diameter to fit in the flagpole holders on the roof.

Tom and Jan said...


It's a very small flag and for 12 months the 10mm plastic tube was OK but I accidentally bumped the tube with my hand and snapped it.

Davidss said...

Alimentary canal not elementary canal. Clearly the steak affected more than your digestive system :-)

Tom and Jan said...

Bloody spell checker! :-)