Friday 7 August 2015

Boaters Meeting

A very short cruise today.  Once the morning showers had passed we moved less than a kilometre to moor below Claydon Bottom Lock where we had arranged to meet John & Judith (nb Serena).  We first met them at Napton in 2013 and last met them in 2014 when they were having a new engine installed at Hillmorton. A lovely couple and enjoyable company.

Today they moored behind us.  We extracted the BBQ from storage and fired it up. Judith & John provided nibbles and cake whilst we supplied the steak and sausages Jan had purchased from the butcher in Banbury.  The steak wasn’t particularly tasty, however the sausages were fine.  The time seemed to fly.  I managed to sneak a photo without the others realising.  It wasn’t until later I discovered Jan had done the same.

bbq1 bbq2

It was very interesting listening to John & Judith talk about their three month holiday in NZ.  The itinerary bought back many memories for us.  I almost became homesick!

They are heading south whilst we are going north.  Who knows when our paths will again converge.


Judith nb Serena said...

Many thanks for an enjoyable time. Love the bottles under the table, it looks as if we had a boozy afternoon! Thanks also for the help down the locks, much appreciated.
Judith and John
NB Serena

Tom and Jan said...

We also enjoyed the afternoon. They must be your wine bottles as we still have our sole bottle and it isn't empty! 😁

John and I didn't drink wine so deduction tells us who the heavy drinker was in the group!😂