Sunday 16 August 2015

Travellers and the Fitness Tracker

I was walking back from Rugby Post Office having collected Jan’s new fitness tracker when I happened to notice a group of Paul and Elaine’s (the Manly Ferry) friends had parked their motorhomes in the small Tesco car park.  This is the park reserved for customers to collect their pre-booked shopping orders.  Then I realised they actually appeared to be settling in for the day.  There were about half a dozen vans and it seemed very strange until I realised all the motorhomes had EU license plates.

travellers motorhomes

They were genuine land travellers rather than the water travellers we are used to seeing.  Tesco must have realised they had a problem because when I walked back several hours later all the motorhomes had gone.

clickand collect

But they left their rubbish behind (red arrows) and Tesco had parked one of their delivery vans across the entrance to the car park to prevent a return.

blocking van

The price of Jan’s new Xiaomi fitness band was considerably cheaper than my Fitbit.  However I believe it’s a superior product.  The Xiaomi is water resistant to 1 metre (IP67) whilst the Fitbit isn’t water resistant.  The battery life between recharge on the Xiaomi is in excess of 30 days.  The Fitbit requires a weekly recharge.  The only thing the Fitbit has over the Xiaomi is it has a small LCD display whereas the Xiaomi has 3 small LED’s to show state of charge and whether the daily fitness targets have been achieved. Both devices bluetooth link to an Android or  iphone to display recorded information.  The wrist strap on the Xiaomi is superior to the Fitbit.  My Fitbit catch has already come undone twice and it will probably fall into the cut one day!

Some additional information for Sue on No ProblemI have discovered if I hold the tiller with the arm on which the Fitbit is placed the vibration through the tiller will add 5000 steps to the Fitbit during a three hour cruise.  This means I can walk my daily target of 10,000 steps and then add another 5000.  I’m in competition with youngest son and our daily results are automatically shared.  In trying to keep up with me he has worn his legs down to stumps and now has the physic of a Portuguese racing sardine!  Actually he’s now given up wearing his Fitbit.  The lesson from this is; age, cunning and deceit will almost always triumph over youth, enthusiasm and energy!  


Paul and El said...

There is a rumour amongst motor homers that Tesco doesn't mind motorhomes parking up for the night if they have been in that supermarket. I have never tried it, as we prefer the pub stopovers.
That bunch you spotted are Pikeys, the one in the photo looks like it is on a UK plate. A genuine motorhomer would never leave his rubbish behind.
I wrote to all the UK supermarkets re us stopping to shop at their supermarkets but taking up 3 or more spaces, everyone said no probs but asked if we would use the larger shops and preferably not go in peak hour. Im happy with that.
Take care Paul

Tom and Jan said...

I didn't think they were close friends of yours! 😁