Sunday 14 February 2016

A small hop

Valentines Day is going to interfere with our usual Sunday lunch ,consequentially we decided to move to the Toby Carvery for a Saturday lunch.  First the water tank was topped up and the rubbish disposed.  Then we cruised north to the calor gas depot located just before the Etruria Rd bridge which crosses the canal.  At £19.43 for a 13kg bottle it’s probably the cheapest gas on the network . 

We reach the Festival Park Marina to find a vacant mooring immediately outside the carvery.


Waiouru in the middle.

After a big lunch Daniel suggested a local walk to bounce the spuds into filling the large creases around my waist and buttocks.  Initially we went west stopping at the Royal Doulton outlet to have a brief look around.  Everything looked expensive and nothing looked interesting.  However I did notice the plates in the following photo.


I wonder of the person who set them out on display deliberately created this illusion of a complete scene or was it a coincidence?

We crossed back over the canal passing the Waterworld park and the artificial ski slopes.  There were only a few patrons.  Probably because it was cold!


Somehow we finished the walk at the Morrisons supermarket where a few essentials were purchased, and then it was back to the boat.  


Peter Berry said...

Before we brought the motorhome to Spain I obtained a gas line pigtail to fit from the auto changeover valve and regulator to allow me to fit a Spanish propane bottle. I have been running the Spanish bottle now since November last year, having been given a spare empty one to exchange from one of the many that can be found on site under static vans etc.. They come as 11kg whereas UK ones are 13kg. The big difference is that if you visit the gas depot a few miles away, rather than buying an exchange bottle on site, the 11kg propane bottle currently costs me €11, (£8.54 at today's exchange rate). How can they do it at this price when we in the UK can't I wonder? Another case of rip off Britain?

Tom and Jan said...

I wonder what the UK price will be if there is a Brexit. No doubt it will go higher!