Wednesday 24 February 2016


Last time we passed this way I didn’t pay much attention to the large industrial complex which spans the canal around Lostock.


This time Jan noticed the sign “Tata Brine Concentration”. It appears this is another British industry owned by an Indian company


A scaffolding crew were erecting a serious amount of scaffolding around the plant on the right bank of the canal.  The Tata sign increased my curiosity and after a little research I discovered the brine is extracted from underground wells at Warmingham which is south of Middlewich.  A pipeline conveys the brine to the salt plant at Middlewich where it is partially processed.  Another pipeline takes the partially processed brine to the Tata plant at Lostock for final processing.  The major product is soda ash.  There is approximately 15km of pipeline.  More information here

Just beyond the Tata plant is a boat brokerage where we noticed nb Pukeko.


Most New Zealanders are very familiar with the Pukeko or swamp hen.  They are a very cheeky bird and when frightened tend to run rather than fly.  I had assumed they were native to NZ but have also seen them in Australia.  Some have suggested they are tasty in a stew.  I caught one many years ago and boiled it in a pot of with two large stones.  When the stones were soft I threw away the pukeko and ate the stones……..  Yes, they taste really bad! Smile

It was shortly after passing nb Pukeko that we came upon a loose stop gate.  It was against the bank but swung out as we passed brushing Waiouru’s side.  I couldn’t see how it was secured and had to leave it loose.


The visitor moorings at Salt Barge looked rather full.  I guess the nearby road and pub are the primary attraction.  Jan liked the sign.


We carried on finding a vacant mooring opposite the ABC marina at Anderton.  But not before a short stop at the nearby CRT facilities to dispose of our rubbish.   We may go down onto the River Weaver.


Alf said... gives more info, was untill recently owned by an American co.but now Tata, somuch for "British" !

Tom and Jan said...

Very interesting Alf. British, then American and now Indian.