Monday 31 December 2018

The Electricity and the Delivery

Recently I placed an order online for a replacement tool component.  The supplier promptly fulfilled my order which was collected by the courier company, who then advised me they had the package and I could check its delivery via their website.  I have posted the tracking information from their website below.


As you can see they picked up the package in Perth at 10:59 on 28 December.  The estimated delivery date is 31 December.  FOUR DAYS to deliver a package in the same city!!!!!!  Actually it’s worse than that.  The supplier is within walking distance of our house.   And the name of the courier company is FASTWAY.   Oh how we miss those UK overnight deliveries.

On a more positive note.  The latest electricity bill has arrived.  This time they correctly read the meter and our bill for the last two months is $4.  OK, the panels were installed in late September, which means the next bill will be slightly higher.  However the house Chief financial Officer (CFO) now has a problem.  The utility company website refuses to accept payment for such a small amount!

Oh….. Happy New Year.  I shan’t be awake to see it arrive.  At my age I need all the sleep I can get!

1 comment :

Judith nb Serena said...

A happy new year to you both.
Judith and John nb Serena