Monday 13 May 2024

I Wet the Bed!

It wasn’t an age thing….. or that I’d had too much to drink!

When I got out of bed this morning I noticed a bright blue patch on the light blue bottom sheet.  Couldn’t think what had caused it and promptly went off to do something else.


When making the bed Jan noticed it and told me as it was on my side I must have created the patch.  Probably when lying on the bed fully clothed in the evening watching the TV.  She thought it might be some type of chemical on my shirt!  That didn’t make sense to me as the patch was located around waist level. 

On investigating further I discovered the side of the sheet was damp along with the mattress cover.

Then the penny dropped!  The blue colour was from the copper sulphate Jan adds to the water in the waterbed mattress.  We have two bladders in the bed and mine was leaking.

Fortunately I’d just finished making the 12V water pump for the camper trailer shower and was able to use it to empty both bladders. 

Extracting the water from Jan’s bladder was relatively easy (the one she sleeps on…. the other she empties without my help!).  The leaking bladder on my side proved to be more difficult.   Apparently the bladders can be repaired.  However we’ve decided to replace them with a single king sized bladder.   With twin bladders there was a foam divider down the middle which formed a hard edge.  I suspect Jan found it slightly difficult to climb over the divider when she was feeling amorous.  OK, more likely feeling cold and looking for a large hot water bottle.  


The mattress has been disassembled to allow the surface water to evaporate.



The plywood top to the bed base was also damp and I used my heat gun to accelerate it’s drying.


The local waterbed shop had a king size bladder in stock so we should be alright for tonight..  


Jenny said...

Pleased you have your damp bed problem fixed, I hesitate to say wet bed. You two are the only people I know sho have a water bed. Mind you, there could well be plenty of secretive water bed owners everywhere, for all I know!

Tom and Jan said...

Yes Jenny, We are special and an unusual couple :-)

Waterbeds are no longer fashionable. However we find them comfortable.