Thursday 23 May 2024

Wept like a baby!

I teared up and wept like a baby.  Why did I get so emotional?  It all started when I walked into the kitchen and found Jan playing with her new toy.  She was standing at the bench peeling onions to go through her new dicing machine.  The diced onions would go into plastic bags and be frozen.

Of course I offered to take over (big mistake) and within a few minutes was blubbering.  That’s when Jan appeared with a second bag of onions!

It wasn’t all tears.  As a reward for my sacrifice Jan baked a loaf of bread she had infused with rosemary from her garden.


Today saw the completion of the skirting board installation project.  Once the paint is dry Jan will mop the floors to remove the residual dust from my sanding.


As one door shuts somewhere another opens.  It’s the same with projects!   A delivery from the hardware store this morning.  Jan had previously asked if it would be possible to have a splashback on the wall in her pantry.  Above the bench and below the shelves.


We could pay to have it done but as I fitted the splashbacks in the galley on Waiouru I decided to take on this project.

Apparently times have moved on and it’s possible to have a splashback with a scene.  Jan has chosen a winter forest scene.



Some cutting will be required.  The splashback is too long and too high.  Moreover two cut-outs are required for the power points.  Should be an interesting project.

Another completed project was the installation of the Lekkie ‘One-Nut on the bike.  I’ve been hoping the creaking sound from the bike was something simple like loose pedal cranks or the nut securing the Bafang motor to the bike would be loose.  I had previously tightened the cranks and today decided to do something about the Bafang securing nut.  I’ve never been comfortable with it.  Moreover, when I had the hydraulic brake lines replaced during my cycling trip in Taiwan the mechanics loosened the nut.  They didn’t have the required special spanner and I thought it might not have been fully tightened.

bafang nut

I removed the left crank arm and placed my special spanner on the nut (right arrow) to check if the nut was tight (left arrow).  It wasn’t!

The Lekki ‘One-Nut’ is an “after market” replacement for the Bafang nut. 


You can probably see in the photo below that the ‘One-Nut’ has a cut through most of it (upper arrow).  The nut is tightened and then two grub screw are tightened (lower arrow).  This forces the two parts of the ‘One-Nut’ apart locking it in place on the thread.   It’s a much better solution for securing the motor to the bike.

one nut

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