Wednesday 25 September 2024

Bingen to Bonn

Yesterday’s map assessment of today’s terrain proved to be correct.  The distant hills crept closer to the Rhine until they formed a low barrier to my front.  The river cuts through them with the roads, railway and cycle path hugging the riverbanks.

With towns and castles on either side this was the scenery I’d been looking forward too since Lake Constance.

It’s also familiar ground as Jan and I had taken our two sons on a day river cruise here in 1991 as part of a 12 day Europe bus tour.  The oldest was 13 and youngest 10.  We wanted them to experience different countries, foods and cultures, which would hopefully whet their appetites for their own travel adventures.  It appears to have worked with the youngest as he has backpacked around the world twice visiting more countries then either of us!

The most well known part of this section of the Rhine is probably Lorelie Rock.  Near here is a castle on a small island in the middle of the river.


Day cruise boats were jostling for a berth on the far side of the river whilst numerous groins on my side prevented erosion.


The castle on the small island in the middle of the river is Pfalzgrafenstein Castle (better photos in this link).   I believe the castle was built by the local nobles to collect a toll from passing river traffic.  Back in 1991 the local tour guide referred to these nobles as “Robber Barons”.  You can see one of the castles on the skyline in the above photo.


Cycling on I passed through the cities of Cologne and Bonn.  In both cases the EV15 took me along the riverbank thus avoiding city traffic.  However even the riverbank was busy with pedestrians, tourist and local cyclists.


Not sure who he was?  Probably famous!

Another slight detour away from the river which led me to part of some old town walls.  I assume the arch is the original entrance.  Part of the original wall has been torn down to make vehicle access.  For some reason I felt the route when through the arch.  However I later realised the EV15 path went to the right, instead of through the arch.   More backtracking!


Back to the river and yet more castles. 


I found a quiet camping ground north of Bonn and after a shower went looking for something to eat. 


Pork schnitzel with cheese and pineapple topping.  Hey… don’t blame me… I just eat the stuff as fuel!

Another night wrestling with the air mattress as it attempts to escape from underneath me Smile


Jenny said...

Beautiful scenery. I remember seeing the Lorolie and the famous man on the horse, whatever his name is, during our whizz bang European coach tour.

Tom and Jan said...

You mean one of those rapid tours where you say "It's Tuesday. This must be Austria!" :-)

Jenny said...

That's right!