Sunday 15 January 2012

A Dry Engine Compartment….. I Hope!

The roll of reinforced plastic hose Andy had ordered arrived on Friday.  Yesterday I asked him if I could cut an inch off the end to see if the internal diameter of the hose will fit over the steel drain pipes in the engine compartment.

The deck has four drain holes in the engine hatch gutter; one in each corner.  On the underneath side of the hatch there is a short length of steel drainage pipe for each of the four drain holes.  There are a further four lengths of short steel drain pipe welded to the exit holes on the side of the boat.

My task was to connect the drain system together so any water than enters the cockpit will drain into the gutter under the deck hatch and then via the pipe and hose to discharge through the side of the hull.  The first thing I discovered was the flexible plastic hose wasn’t quite large enough to slip over the steel drainage pipe.  The obvious solution was to make the pipe more pliable. (a difficult task on a frosty morning) This would allow me to force it over the steel pipe.

To achieve this I used Jan’s Christmas present (hair dryer) and the dishwashing liquid.  I’m so glad I didn’t buy her the pink concrete mixer for Christmas!  Two of the local ladies observed me walking to Waiouru with the hairdryer and thought I was going off to dry my hair.  They almost appeared disappointed when I informed them my hair was so short and thin I’ve no use for a hairdryer.  Jan didn’t appear to be upset about her missing Christmas present dryer but had some words to say about the missing dishwashing liquid!  Don’t know why…. I sometimes do my share of the dishes!

Measure twice and cut once!  I’m pleased I followed this strategy and also glad I measured each of the required lengths of hose individually.  They were all different.  Waiouru narrows towards the stern so the front hoses are longer than the rear.  The engine hatch is also offset so the left hoses are shorter than the right.

It seem somewhat surreal sitting in the engine compartment with my feet in icy water using a hairdryer to warm plastic pipe.  But it worked!  I hope this now results in no further water entering the engine compartment via the engine hatch. 

One done and three to go!  The rear steel pipe is the lower gas locker drain.

I discovered the dishwashing liquid did make it easier to push the hot hose onto the steel pipe.  But even more effective were the grunting sounds I could make.  The louder the grunts the more the hose pushed onto the steel pipe! Smile

Whilst down in the ‘hole’ I measured the top of the swim and confirmed there is sufficient room for the planned domestic battery bank.  I also noticed the underside of the deck hasn’t been primed.  Actually it’s looking like there is a significant amount of surface rust so I shall have to ask the grit blaster if he can clean it up whilst down there cleaning the baseplate. Finally, I used the boatyard wet vacuum cleaner to suck out all the water and ice sitting in the bottom of the compartment.  This afternoon I check the bilge and…. Hooray it’s dry!

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