Wednesday 18 January 2012

A Grey Day for Waiouru

Modesty prevents me from showing many revealing photos of Waiouru minus her clothing but here is one of her bare derriere.

Actually the real reason why there is only one photo is because the moment Doug had completed the grit blasting Jan and I went frenetic with the rollers and primer.  With only three hours of daylight we needed to get all the bare steel covered.  I painted the last of her bare derriere in the dark.

This morning we went to inspect our work.  No sign of rust at this stage but then she is covered in a heavy coating of frost. 

The black grit gets everywhere so there will be more vacuuming the inside once the second session of grit blasting is completed tomorrow.

I managed to sweep all the grit out of the cockpit and give it a coat of primer.

The sides above the gunwale look OK.

The plan was for Doug to return tomorrow to clean the cratch, engine compartment and the area below the gunwale line.  However the change in the weather may delay his return until the weekend.  No doubt Jan and I will both then have another busy afternoon with the rollers and brush.  We have managed to get the tarpaulins back over Waiouru whilst waiting for the second session of grit blasting.  Obviously we will have to remove the tarpaulins first!  Then we will have to paint a second coat of primer and two pack blacking.

I must admit it will be nice to see the final piece of Ben Harp’s work gone!

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