Saturday 11 February 2012

It’s a brilliant day

Woke this morning with only my nose showing from under the duvet.  Jan arose and headed for the galley before watching the BBC News.  I eventually dragged myself from the warm confines of the bed and climbed into my cold clothing.  Jan told me to look out the galley window.

It didn’t look like that when we headed to bed last night.

I struggled into my gumboots <oops> wellingtons and went out for a walk.

There had been quite a transformation at the Canal Cafe

After sweeping all the snow off Waiouru’s rear deck to prevent it from entering the engine compartment, I headed back to Ufton and did the same.   Meanwhile Conqueror and Benbow looked a pretty picture.

It’s now warm with no wind and a cloudless blue sky.  Going to be a brilliant day!

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