Thursday 23 February 2012

Tyle Mill

After yesterday’s bitter cold we woke to a warmer day and I decided to walk the 11 mile round trip to the Sainsburys supermarket at Calcot.  The majority of the route uses the towpath which gives me an opportunity to see what has been happening along this stretch if the Kennet and Avon.

The river and canal regularly join and separate along the route which enabled me to confirm the advice I’d previously received that where they combined it would be ice free.

Tyle Mill is the approximate halfway point.  There is a lock, (Tyle Mill) permanent moorings and a BW facilities block.

BW facilities

Waterscape describes the available facilities as a water point plus rubbish and elsan disposal.  The majority of the permanent moorings are above the lock with a very small number of moorings opposite the BW facilities

Up stream of Tyle Mill are facilities at Aldermaston Wharf whilst there don’t appear to be any facilities downstream until the Thames.

Oh…… I’m in a little difficulty over the shopping.  I was sent on my way with a written shopping list.  However I appear to have a “man shopping” habit.  This habit manifests itself by walking around the supermarket and throwing anything that looks slightly interesting into the trolley rather than confining one’s selection to “The List”.  Apparently this habit can be controlled supressed if one is accompanied by a female.

Anyway, we are now the owners of two packets of chocolate biscuits, four blocks of chocolate and a large tub of double cream.  None of these items were on “The List”!   I’m informed have to curb this habit as it is playing havoc with Jan’s budget.  The additional weight in my daypack rucksack is another incentive.  Still, the thought of now having the ingredients for lemonade scones with whipped cream and blackberry jam will probably result in another lapse!

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