Richard (joiner) arranged for his father to purchase five 750ml aerosol cans of spray foam insulation which duly arrived at the boatyard today. There was a brief discussion about who was going to do the applying as no one on site admitted to having any prior experience. I learned many years ago to never volunteer! I’m the customer, so surely someone else must take the responsibility. However, I’m also mindful that yours truly will be allocated the task of cutting back the applied foam, so perhaps it might be better if I did the foam application.
In the end it was me who did the online research on how to apply the foam and with some trepidation I started using the first can. The data sheet stated there was 35 litres of foam in each can and the area to be covered should be moisturised.
After leaving the cans to reach room temperature I shook the first one for 30 seconds and then carefully screwed the long nozzle and head onto the top of the can. The foam is applied by inverting the can and pressing on the top of the nozzle. I was mindful of two important points. The first is the foam will almost double in volume after the initial application. The second was you need to keep going to avoid the foam setting in the nozzle.
After ensuring the floor area was clear of obstructions I donned gloves and glasses before using one of those kitchen cleaner sprayer full of water to moisturise the areas requiring treatment. . The first can didn’t last very long because I attempted to fill in one of the bare steel panels where the original foam hadn’t been correctly applied.
Sealing between the Kingspan under the floor and the wall insulation
The foam just ran down the wall instead of sticking to the vertical steel surface. A change in technique was required! With the last of the foam I squirted a small amount of foam onto the three bare steel panels and then quickly cut some Kingspan to roughly the shape of the panel and pressed it in on top of the foam. Then I filled in around the Kingspan with the second can of foam.
It looks rather ‘rough’ but I can cut back the foam.
The last of the cans had been emptied before the task was complete. It probably needs half another can to finish the job. Richard will bring one with him tomorrow.
The next task was to cut back the foam. It’s not as dense as the commercially applied foam. More the consistency of a foam mattress. This actually made it easier to cut and I completed the job with my ‘Leatherman’ in less than an hour.
Tomorrow the last few holes will be filled and cut back using the 6th can.
In the afternoon I made a start on sealing the reverse side of the sheets of plywood for the wall lining. It’s not essential to do this, but timber breathes and there is a possibility condensation will form in the void between the spray foam and the back of the plywood lining. I don’t want the plywood to rot or; more likely; discolour. So the 22 sheets need to be sealed before they are fitted. The sealer is applied using a roller and a long pole! Seven sheets were completed before work stopped for the day. Richard has kindly agreed to come in tomorrow morning and assist with the vertical stacking of the remaining 15 sheets which will enable me to seal them over the weekend. Richard and James plan to start on installing the wall lining next Tuesday.
This afternoon Andy informed me the ceiling ply is away being laminated. Jan has chosen satin off-white as the colour. Whilst we were discussing the build I reminded Andy the speaker cable was required before we could install the ceiling. Hopefully the cable will arrive early next week.