Friday 2 March 2012

Another Move

But first….. This is for Bill  <private joke>


Gary and Ruth have very kindly allowed us to use their boat (nb Molly) as temporary accommodation whilst we wait for Waiouru to be completed.  Molly is now moored at Aldermaston and we moved aboard today.  It took us most of the day to complete the move as we hadn’t realised just how much  “stuff” we have acquired since arriving in the UK last May with our worldly goods in two 20kg suitcases.

Now it’s a case of finding a home for all these new “possessions” aboard Molly.  We enjoyed our time on Ufton but she is now required for repainting and pre-season maintenance.  Molly is different in many ways so that makes the change in boat quite interesting.  For example; she is a Trad, has LED lighting and the electrical system is slightly different to Ufton.  She provides yet another opportunity to validate our own decisions about the layout and systems we have planned for Waiouru.

Back to work in Waiouru tomorrow.

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