Tuesday, 28 March 2017

The engine compartment got deeper

With no suitable masking tape I decided to work on the engine compartment and give it the annual major clean.  All the items stored on the baseplate were removed, along with the mats.  Then I removed the bilge pump, but not before taking a photo of the wiring connections.

It was about this time that I realised either the engine compartment had got deeper or my legs shorter!   Moreover the compartment appeared to be narrower making it quite a wriggle and squeeze to get in!

I was pleasantly surprised to discover there was far less surface rust this time.  Most of it was dirty.


Wiped out with a cloth

The first area to be prepared,cleaned and repainted was the area under the domestic battery bank and around the prop shaft.  I got into it with a wire brush and Fertan followed by spray primer and top coat.  It’s just too far for me to reach with a paintbrush.

The bilge pump was removed and the spiders chased out of it.  The Vetus dripless stern tube means Waiouru has a dry bilge.  The only water we get in the engine compartment is from condensation. This gets absorbed using a rolled up newspaper which is stood vertically.  So the bilge pump is still new (well unused!)

With the pump out I was able to clean the bilge and give it a fresh coat of paint.


There was just enough paint left in the tin to get a coat on the starboard baseplate.  The portside will have to wait until I walk into B&Q Northampton for the masking tape.


I’ll re-install the bilge pump tomorrow whilst Jan waits for Mr Tesco.

Oh, and here is a photo of the repainted bow thruster locker lid.


Not perfect, but I think I might be getting better at this painting business!  Have I mentioned I hate painting. Smile

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