Saturday 25 March 2017

We’re back!

Not from deepest darkest Africa, but back on the internet.  Our thanks to Pip & Mick and Robert for their suggestions on where to move to get a better signal.  The coverage at our mooring location was weak and infrequent.  At 8am the little coverage we did have died and we decided to turn and head south winding in the entrance to Crick Marina.

P1030822Crick Tunnel was just as wet going back and Jan sensibly stayed inside the cabin.  We stopped and moored for the night on a lovely rural mooring about a kilometre short of Watford Locks.


Where there was NO phone signal. The first time we’ve experienced a mooring where there was nothing!  So there was no blog post yesterday. Towards the end of the day Jan heard the sound of a working boat.  


NB Callisto

It was starting to get cold so we lit the Refleks  and Jan decided to bake spuds on top of the stove for dinner.


This morning we dropped down through Watford Locks with the assistance of Ray & Gill the rostered volunteer lockies.

IMG_1480IMG_1482Does this next sign mean dredging is required?

IMG_1483There was a half hour stop while we filled up at the water point at Norton Junction and then we moved on to moor above the top lock.


Only 89 miles to the Thames Smile

Is this nb Lillyanne’s sister?

P1030831We had the moorings all to ourselves until 5pm when within 30 minutes they were all taken.


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