Tuesday 22 December 2020

And Jan roared with laughter


Readers you may recall my post dated 10 December regarding “that letter” from my local federal MP.  Yesterday I mentioned to Jan I was surprised our State MP hadn’t also sent me a card at our expense.  

Today Jan roared with laughter when Postman Pat delivered the birthday card.


Of course it has also been computer generated.  Rita if you wanted to impress me you could have at least hand written the message.  The subtle message I take from the card is I’m not that important and this is more about you than me. 

I’m not likely to be around in 30 years to see if my card from Her Majesty is hand written


Don said...

Her Majesty likely won't be around to write to you either.

Tom and Jan said...

Ah... Yes! One less letter to worry about :-)

Dave said...

Will we still have physical letters then?

Likely to be Kate in any case, don't want or need Camilla

Tom and Jan said...


I'm confident letters will still be used, but only for important issues or the wealthy :-) There will be a Queen Carmilla because that's what Charles wants and as he will have a short reign he will want to cram as much into it as possible.