Saturday, 8 April 2017

Evening walk and some unexpected wildlife

There was a significant amount of juvenile squeaking and shrieking near the boat yesterday so I went for a walk to find the source.  It wasn’t hard to find.


Our mooring was adjacent to Gulliver’s Land Theme Park.


There I was doing a wide circuit in the parkland when there was a loud roar behind my right shoulder.  I looked across the hedge to see the first of the wildlife eating an early evening meal.


The towpath around here is very quiet with a separate wide and sealed pedestrian and cycle path. 


And the rest of the wildlife.


There’s a modern concrete bridge a short distance from our mooring.  It’s nothing special.


Except for the sign hanging from the top.


A new 28km broad canal linking Milton Keynes to Bedford and onto the Fens.  I assume this would enable wide beam boats to reach the Wash and cross to Boston proving access to the Trent and the northern waterways.

It must be Friday as we’ve been bashed about by passing Wyvern ‘Terror’ hire boats either frantically heading back to base or are on their first day having just driven on the M1 at 70mph and collected their boat.

1 comment :

Sue said...

Yes... Having not seen a boat all day on our cruise apart from a little launch, by 2pm when I walked the girls there were over 10 boats in either direction within half an hour.

One hire boat came past us as we were moored around 6pm this evening obviously on a mission to get to the pub!

Hey the season has begun.. I can't blame them really, just need to put springer pins in and plenty of fender!