Thursday 17 January 2019

The Drill and the Carpenter

I can (almost) feel sorry for Theresa May.  In attempting to appease everyone she has pleased no one!   If it wasn't for the ‘Back Stop’ then she might just have got her deal over the line.

My feeling is another party in government wouldn’t be able to negotiate a “better” deal.  Moreover I suspect the EU bureaucracy is (and always has been) manipulating for a second referendum.  It’s a well proven strategy.

On to more important things (for me).  I’ve cut out the plywood upper floor for the trailer using the Makita plunge saw and rails.  Last time I did this there was some bad “tear out” on one side of the cut.  This time I’ve tried to overcome that problem by running a line of masking tape down the off side of the pencil line.  The idea is the masking tape will eliminate the tear out (chipping of the cut edge).

The edge is masked

The cut has been made

The idea was a failure!

Fortunately I’m getting slightly smarter and ensured the “clean” edge was on the piece of plywood I wanted to use.
The next step was to mark out my hole matrix using the Paft guide tool.

A combination of the tool and Pythagoras enabled me to drill a matrix of 3mm holes at 100mm spacing. These holes will eventually be enlarged to 8mm.  however I first needed to turn the board over and rebate the underside of the holes.  This minimizes the splintering of the under surface when the larger holes are drill from the top side.

All the small cut outs were then done.  The ply sheet should be a snug fit, but first I have to enlarge the holes to 8mm.  I plan to do this will my plunge router.  But I don’t have an 8mm V groove bit.  Ebay China have them for $1.67 with free delivery.  However delivery won’t be until the end of February.  There is an Australian supplier, $44 plus postage.  Guess I’ll be waiting!

The last two days have seen regular 40 minute interruptions as I run out into the heat to spray water on the shed concrete slab.

As you probably know, heat builds up in concrete when it’s setting (curing).  If you don’t control the heat the concrete shrinks and cracks.  It’s been very hot the last couple of days which means I’ve needed to regularly water it.  actually I’d better go out now and wet it………..   I’m back.  Phew… it’s hot out there and forecast to be even hotter this weekend.


Don said...

If you put a cover over the concrete and raised all of the edges a couple of inches with timber then filled it with water you would have a pond that would reduce the amount of re-watering required.

Tom and Jan said...

Quite right Don. I've also laid hessian mesh on curing concrete and wetted it with a sprinkler. However I didn't want to spend the money on either option for a 'one time' project.